
Is your website 4 seconds ready?

The statistics are crushing. The first impression counts and visitors are either encouraged to stay on your website or they will leave within the first 4 seconds

Three quarters of users connect to the internet on mobile devices. Google reacted accordingly by optimizing search results. This confirms that we no longer live in a mobile first world, but in a single mobile world.

In future, the website will start mobile. It isn’t only about brand experience or functionality, but also about inspiration and reducing complex structures. The line between good and unsuccessful websites does no longer run only along the concept of reponsive design. For those not familiar with it, responsive web design ensures any kind of content adjusts perfectly to all devices.

Greater simplicity can be achieved for websites of all sizes. Different types of menus and structures are often the solution and necessary. Even so, these resources should be avoided as far as possible rather than being overused.

One example of this are one-page websites, which are a viable alternative provided the amount of content allows it. It is a well-known fact that one-page websites are more accessible. For starters they’re easier to navigate and mobile-friendly. End users who use a smartphone or a tablet find everything they need to know by swiping down, and they don’t have to wait for other category pages to load. These websites are the perfect complement to this mobile age.

Online Shopping

E-commerce is an interesting field providing plenty of opportunities for committed businesses

93% of Austrians shopped online in the last year
47% shop on mobile devices – Austria is below the European average of 58%

Not having to get in line, being able to do necessary chores on the side, comfortably comparing and making a decision, not depending on opening hours, but also enjoying the simple pleasure of using new devices are the reasons for the on-going success of mobile shopping.

For e-commerce businesses, consequent customer-centricity is key to successfully competing in the marketplace in the long term. Consumers are becoming increasingly mobile and have long started to expect more than just smooth order processing.

For this reason, a comprehensive multi-channel strategy in order for customers to reach businesses through all channels, has become an important element of 'customer centricity'.

The future belongs to those businesses that are able to analyse the customers’ multi-channel shopping behaviour through the use of modern technology and to provide them an ideal shoppping experience by adopting the right set of tailored measures. This is the only possible way to raise customer satisfaction and consequently increase sales.

Must-haves for turning the virtual shop window to the world into the most profitable branch are:
  • Layout

    Inspiring confidence and providing clarity

  • Customer Guidance

    Guiding the customer rather than wasting their time

  • Lacking Product Information

    Offering the customer advice and ad-hock support

  • E-Payment

    Aiming at a clean integration

  • Mandatory Customer Account

    Releasing the customer from the obligation


Email marketing is more powerful than it’s ever been

91% of people check their email daily
72% of adults like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with

Marketing-on-the-Go will continue to grow in popularity and sophistication. Despite being the veteran of digital channels, email continues to evolve and adapt to keep pace with modern marketing.
Ever with the explosion of new technology, marketers keep coming back to email. The reason is clear – for ten years in a row, email is the channel generating the highest ROI for marketers.

All this sounds like great benefits ... but that’s only if you do it right! Relevancy is the marketer’s secret weapon, and the fastest path to revenue.

The marketing world is buzzing about the „Internet of Things“, but we should be talking about the „Internet of Me“.

In the age of personalization and hyper-targeting, consumers expect brands to know who they are and provide them content they care about. You have to deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

We build beautiful and professional emails so you can focus on perfecting your message and optimizing your campaign. Our modern email software provides you peace of mind, knowing your emails will look awesome on the devices your audience is using today.

Together we can capitalize on the specific interests of your customers, reaching them with compelling, relevant emails that will drive better business results.

Content Marketing

Choose your words carefully

If your business has something to offer, then so should your advertisement

With more and more businesses to compete with, it is increasingly important to develop clear, concise and effective content. This is why 'Content Marketing' , besides 'Big Data’, is the big buzzword in the marketing world right now. Content is more vital and inevitable now than ever before. The content marketing’s key feature, however, is targeted information that is not too promotional and, of course, provides added value for the user.

And then there is the other side of content marketing: the technology used to efficiently analise and optimize content. The result is intelligent content: texts with elaborated vocabulary which is easily understood and dominates search engine results.

In today’s content chaos, it has become a real challenge to stay on top of things. How you can cleverly manage your content? It is essential to apply research and analysing methods such as follow-up monitoring and measuring success.

Our content workflows provide the foundation for you to raise customer satisfaction and consequently boost the corporate image and increase customer loyalty. We supply you the strategic tools to enhance your company’s success by implementing your goal-oriented and attention-getting content marketing plan.


Mere marketing blablah won’t get anyone’s attention

Images are the key to being as authentic and attractive as possible in the way you present yourself, your business and your products or services

We specialized in product photography. Our 'photo models' range from fashion items to technical components. In the digital environment, meaningful photos to represent the products are the top priority. The customer wants to „grab“ the item and understand every last detail.